Spring - and Love

Alred, Lord Tennyson wrote "In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love."  Here is what Sitting Bull said about Spring:

"Behold, my brothers, the spring has come, the earth has received the embraces of the sun and we shall soon see the results of that love.  Every seed is awakened and so has all animal life.  It is through this mysterious power that we too bave our being and we therefore yield to our neighbors, even our animal neighbors, the same right as ourselves, to inhabit this land."

I don't know who said, "Spring is sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder where the birdies is."  I'm not really sure that thoughts of love are more prevalent in springtime than any other time. I do know that spring is easier to define than love. And I'm not sure I agree with this definition: "Love is nature's way of tricking people into reproducing."  Quite often, in wedding ceremonies that I perform, at the request of the couple, I read the well-known passage from I Corenthians 13 about love. (look it up to refresh your memory)

A beautiful, and disturbing, but true,quote that I've used in sermons on love is this: "When two people are truly in love, there can be no happy ending."

Therefore, there comes a point in life, when its time to walk away from all the drama and people who create it.  Surround yourself with people who make you laugh and who you know will be there for you.  Forget the bad, and focus on the good.  Love the people who treat you right.  Pray for the ones who don’t.  Life is too short to be anything by happy.  Falling down is part of life, getting back up is living.

Being in love is kind of like being at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas.  It’s really impressive at first but if you spent every day there, after a while it would probably lose it’s glamor. Too often, what we mistake for love is really just adoration or desire. Adoration is when we put someone beyond our reach.  Desire is when we want someone because they fill an inner need in us.  Love is accepting someone for what and who they are.  In other words, Adoration is a Maserati,  Desire is a Mercedes, but Love is a pickup truck, which is really what you need for hauling around all the heavy stuff that comes with being in a relationship. I believe that real love is realizing it’s worth dealing with the heavy stuff because you know you are better off with the other person than without them.

I like what Tom Jones sang in one of his songs, “And maybe this is how a love should be - just take it as it comes, no guarantee.”  

Let me close with the words from another song as my wish for you:

I wish you bluebirds in the spring, to give your heart a song to sing.  And then a kiss, but more than this I wish you love.                      

And in july a lemonade to cool you in some leafy glade.  I wish you health, but more than wealth, I wish you love. 

I wish you shelter from the storm, a cozy fire to keep you warm, but most of all when snowflakes fall I wish you love.

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